Thursday 25 July 2013

25 Facts About Me

I may have got a little bit carried away with the web cam hence some of the distorted photos...

1.I was born on the 21st March 1997.

2.My favourite season is spring because I love the cute baby lambs, ahhh :)

3.I have a big collection of films in my room that are mostly rom-coms!

4.I do tend to worry about the smallest things ever.

5. I am quite a shy person until I really get to know someone and feel comfortable being my usual silly self.  I think the only two people that I am totally myself around are probably my two closest friends, Ellie and Amy.:)

6. I love little cute things like inspirational quotes on a postcard and stuff like that.

7. I love love love shopping!

8. I have always hated sports day ever since pre-school.  I once was about to start a race (probably a bean bag race or something) against a long line of my school friends, and when the whistle went off I just stood there and cried because the pressure was just too much. I know, I know, life was hard back then.  Actually, just thinking about it that must have been so embarrassing and awkward for my Mum and Dad.:/

9. My favourite time of year is Christmas.  Just the smell of Christmas makes me so happy!

10. My first ever song on my first ever ipod was Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis.

11. I love all my pets so much and when ever I go away on holiday I miss them like craaazy!

12. My favourite place to stay in the UK is Cornwall because I live in the country side my self so when we go to Cornwall it doesn't feel too different.  And its also the only holiday where we take Hector, our family dog.:)

13. I really enjoyed primary school years however I found secondary school so scary and it took me a long time to settle in completely.

14. This year my family and I are going to South Africa! Eeeek, so excited!

15. My favourite beauty/fashion/make-up magazine to read at the moment is probably LOOK magazine.

16. I love learning tips from other beauty bloggers.

17. I used to really badly bite my nails ever since I was about 4 years old, however last August after continuously telling my self to stop this habit I decided that I would really try to stop altogether.  And it worked! I now have nice, non-bitten nails, yippee!

18. This will probably sound really lazy but my favourite days are when I have absolutely nothing important to do and can just relax for the whole day! 

19. I have just finished my GCSE's and now am awaiting those scary results, eek:/

20. I have absolutely no idea what I would like to do when I'm older.

21. I wanted to be a vet ever since I had just started primary school but changed my mind after spending a week at a local vets for my work experience last year.

22. I love browsing around Super drug or Boots for ages and ages looking at all the make-up and beauty stuff.

23. I love looking around antique shops because you can guarantee that quite a lot of what you buy nobody else with have.

24. I don't like roller coasters at all. However, I thought I would be really brave last year in Florida and give it a go. I'm pretty sure I nearly had a heart attack.

25. My favourite film is The Last Song or The Notebook.

I hoped you enjoyed this post! I have seen loads of other bloggers doing this too and thought I would give it ago. :)

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